About Rabbi Chaim Elazar Spira and his hasids.
In English: Ravitzky, Aviezer, 'Munkács and Jerusalem: Ultra-Orthodox Opposition to Zionism and Agudaism', Almog, Shmuel, Jehuda Reinharz, and Anita Shapira (eds.), Zionism and Religion, Brandeis University Press in association with the Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History; University Press of New England, Hanover, NH 1998, 67-89
On the response in Galician Chasidism to Zionism (especially 695-698), and mostly refernces to rabbis David Moses Friedman of Chortkov and his son Israel, and as well to Leibush Mendel Landau, and Aaron Marcus, and Benjamin Arieh Weiss of Czernowitz.