Solotvin - A story of a Galician Schtetl

Street in Solotvin, postcard.
Solotvin cemetery
The market Place in Solotvin, photograph, 1930's
Rabbi Yoel Babad and family, 1930's


This webpage is dedicated to the small and peaceful Jewish community of Solotvin in eastern Galicia. The Solotvin project aims to reconstruct the past of the Jewish community in Solotvin. Using various types of materials we offer you a glimpse to the Jewish Shtetel of eastern Galicia. This unique webpage offers the following features:

1. An interactive map showing the location of Jewish homes and community buildings in Solotvin.

2. The 'Families' tab shows the families and people of solotvin.

3. Various galleries of historical and current time Solotvin. 

4. The Jewish cemetery in Solotvin was not damaged at all during the Holocaust and was fully documented by our field school in 2009. This provides a special look at a small Jewish community in Galicia over a period of hundreds of years.To view click the 'Solotvin Cemetery' tab.




5. In collaboration with MyHeritage and Solotvin decendents around the world we have created a comprehensive assembly of family trees of the Jewish community in Solotvin. To see the family trees click the 'Solotvin Family tree' tab.

6. Historical and current time maps of Solotvin. Go to the map section.

7. The Solotvin forum can contact you with other Solotvin researchers.

We invite you to enjoy all the features on this webpage and learn more about Jewish heritage in Solotvin.

To complete this unique webpage we would be happy to recieve photos, documents and other materiales on the Jews of Solotvin. To contact us click on the 'Contact' tab above. 

We need your help to develope our website further and inlarge the knowledge and database on the Jews of Galicia, Bukovina ans speciphicly Solotvin. For donations click here