Name in English:
Name in Ukrainian:
Name in Polish:
Historical-cultural region:
Eastern Galicia
Administrative District :
Bohorodchany district, Ivano-Frankivsk region
48°51′ N, 24°26′30″ E
Population Data:
According to the statistical data submitted by the local authorities on June 2, 1920, there were 1666 people in Babcze: 1600 Russians and 66 Jews. ( CAHJP, Hm2/8888.14)
According to the census of 1921 (not including the army register) 54 people declared Jewish religion and 41 Jewish nationality. CAHJP Hm2/9138.6
Items relevant to the community
Title | Type of item | Years |
Interview with Bronislava Khavchuk and Vasyl Dmytriuk, Solotvin (If_Sol_09_016) | Interviews | |
Leiba | People | |
Maiorko | People | |
Malka Gold | People | 1863 to 1942 |