Zolotyi Potik
Name in English:
Potok Zloty
Name in Ukrainian:
Zolotyi Potik
Name in Polish:
Potok Złoty
Name in Hebrew:
פוטוק זלוטי
Name in Yiddish:
פּאָטיק (Potik)
Historical-cultural region:
Eastern Galicia
Administrative District :
Ternopil province, Buchach district
Administrative History:
District Bohorodczany
Population Data:
Year |
General Population |
Jewish Population |
1765 |
(?) |
335 |
1880 |
3142 |
1247 |
1900 |
3369 |
1036 |
1921 |
3174 |
895 |
External links:
Items relevant to the community
Title | Type of item | Years |
Moses Bergman | People | 1873 to 1939 |
Budżety na r. 1907 gmin żydowskich: Barysz, Buc... | CAHJP Cards | 1907 |
Chirne Mechles | People | 1874 to 1942 |
Dawid Nader | People | 1893 to 1942 |
Eisig Ghatzer | People | 1882 to 1942 |
Feiwisch Brecher Josel | People | 1860 to 1942 |
Henia Reiner | People | 1863 to 1942 |
Kartoteka "Aliji". Spisy Żydów, którzy wyjechal... | CAHJP Cards | 1936 |
Korespondencja w sprawach zażaleń i protestów c... | CAHJP Cards | 1905 |
Korespondencja w sprawie zatwierdzenia i zmian ... | CAHJP Cards | 1899 to 1900 |