News and Events

On Shabbat, the 2nd of Sivan 5784 (June 8, 2024), Rabbi Meir Wunder passed away at the age of ninety. He was a prolific scholar, librarian, bibliographer, editor and teacher, and a founder and member of the board of the Jewish Galicia and Bukovina Organization.

Rabbi Wunder’s deep commitment to his ancestral heritage – the rabbinic heritage of Galician Jewry – is most impressively expressed in his many works. His monumental work Meorei Galitziah: Entziklopediah le-Hakhmei Galitziah [The Lights of Galicia: An Encyclopedia for Galician Sages], his research trips to Galicia, and his tireless activity for many years as the founder and chairman of the Institute for the Commemoration of Galician Jewry (since 2011, the Jewish Galicia and Bukovina Organization) contributed greatly to research, commemoration and raising of the general public’s awareness of the treasures of Jewish culture from this important diaspora.

The Jewish community of Suceava is one of the oldest Jewish communities in Bukovina. A unique cultural monument of Bukovinian Jewry has been preserved here - the first community cemetery served as the resting place for several generations of Jews from Suceava and the surrounding area from the 17th to the end of the 19th centuries.

The 13th Annual JGB expedition  worked at the one of the oldest Jewish cemetery in Bukovina.

Book release:  11/05/2023, 17:00 National Library of Israel

The monumental bibliography project undertaken by the Jewish Galicia and Bukovina Organization is available on our site now. This project unprecedented in its scope involves about 17,000 searchable annotated records of essays, books, pamphlets, and articles in some ten languages, which relate, in whole or in part, to the Jews of Galicia and Bukovina.

The new Jewish cemetery in Siret is an outstanding monument of Jewish art of the 19th century. The carved grave steles preserved on it are unparalleled in Eastern Europe both in terms of the richness of the images and ornaments presented and in terms of the artistic level of stone carving.

The old Jewish cemetery in Siret is the most ancient and significant monument of Jewish heritage in South Bukovina (Romania). Of particular value are the unique richly ornamented gravestones of the 18th and early 19th centuries, which are true works of stone-cutting art.

International Conference on distinguished Israeli Poet, translator, painter and Sculptor Manfred Winkler.

This year our organization turned to document the Jewish cemeteries in south Bukovina in Romania. The 12th annual expedition of JGB documented two Jewish cemeteries in Siret.

The Jewish Galicia and Bukovina Organization, in collaboration with the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, held an international conference addressing various aspects of the Galician historical experience and the cultural heritage of Galicia and Bukovina.