Lysiec - Jews in the interwar period


Only ca. 70 Jewish families lived in Lysiec during the interwar period (Pinkas Kehilot, 301). Most of them worked in local trade and maintained grocery stores. A Ukrainian cooperative store was established in Lysiec in 1926 (Pinkas Kehilot, 301). The cooperative competed directly with Jewish businesses that suffered from the competition.

The society for free credit "Gmilut Hasadim" (Gmah) was established in 1924 but its activity was limited. Only four loans were granted in 1928 and twelve loans were given in 1934-35 (Pinkas Kehilot, 301).

A Jewish secular cultural association "Tikva" (Hope) was established in Lysiec by the end of World War I. It existed for only two to three years (Pinkas Kehilot, 301). In 1924, a branch of the "Ezra" (Help) society was established in Lysiec (Pinkas Kehilot, 301). In 1933, a branch of the "Achva" (Brotherhood) society was opened, it included a library and a drama circle (Pinkas Kehilot, 301).

Jewish political activity also flourished in the interwar period. Six Jews were elected to the town council in 1927 and two became members of the town administration (Pinkas Kehilot, 301). In the elections to the Seventeenth Zionist Congress in 1931 in Lysiec, the General Zionists received 15 votes, the Revisionists 14, the Hitahdut faction 5, and the radical Zionists -2 (Pinkas Kehilot, 301). Likewise, a Zionist was chosen as head of the Jewish community of Lysiec in the late 1920s (Pinkas Kehilot, 301).