Meshulam Faivish Son of Zvi |
Люди |
до 1858 |
Meshulam Fishel Son of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1889 |
Meshulam Son of Aharon |
Люди |
до 1868 |
Meshulam Son of Yosef Eliezer ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1854 |
Meshulam Zusia Son of Aharon ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1849 |
Meshulam Zvi Son of Arie Leib |
Люди |
до 1871 |
Meta Daughter of Avraham Shmuel |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Meyte |
Люди |
до 1842 |
Meyte Daughter of Shemaya ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1847 |
Meyte Daughter of Shimon |
Люди |
до 1842 |
Meyte Daughter of Zvi Hirsh |
Люди |
до 1895 |
Michael Shlomo Friedmann |
Люди |
до 1891 |
Milke Daughter of Avraham |
Люди |
до 1883 |
Mindel Daughter of Moshe Eliezer |
Люди |
до 1843 |
Mindel Daughter of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1903 |
Mindel Daughter of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1857 |
Mindele Daughter of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1799 |
Mirekel Daughter of Naftali |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Miriam Blime Daughter of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1844 |
Miriam Daughter of Avraham |
Люди |
до 1867 |
Miriam Daughter of Avraham Mordechai |
Люди |
до 2018 |
Miriam Daughter of Dov |
Люди |
до 1830 |
Miriam Daughter of Haim |
Люди |
до 1821 |
Miriam Daughter of Menachem |
Люди |
до 1804 |
Miriam Daughter of Moshe Yehuda |
Люди |
до 1897 |
Miriam Daughter of Yehuda Natan |
Люди |
до 1889 |
Miriam Daughter of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1844 |
Miriam Daughter of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Miriam Daughter of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1882 |
Miriam Hinde Daughter of Efraim David |
Люди |
до 1883 |
Miriam Reyze Daughter of Yehiel |
Люди |
до 1833 |
Model Daughter of Shalom |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Mordechai David Son of Yosef Moshe |
Люди |
до 1868 |
Mordechai Efraim Fishel Son of Haim Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1882 |
Mordechai Eliezer Son of Moshe |
Люди |
до 1861 |
Mordechai Haller |
Люди |
до 1905 |
Mordechai Leib Son of Dov Ber |
Люди |
до 1821 |
Mordechai Leizer Son of Avraham |
Люди |
до 1866 |
Mordechai Son of Akiva |
Люди |
до 1829 |
Mordechai Son of Avraham Avtsi ha-Levi |
Люди |
Mordechai Son of Avraham Moshe ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1870 |
Mordechai Son of David |
Люди |
до 1866 |
Mordechai Son of Israel |
Люди |
до 1837 |
Mordechai Son of Levi |
Люди |
до 1841 |
Mordechai Son of Meir |
Люди |
до 1877 |
Mordechai Son of Moshe |
Люди |
до 1861 |
Mordechai Son of Shmuel |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Mordechai Son of Yaakov |
Люди |
до 1876 |
Mordechai Son of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Mordechai Son of Yitzhak ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1806 |
Mordechai Son of Yitzhak Katz |
Люди |
до 1831 |
Mordechai Son of Yitzhak Segal |
Люди |
до 1823 |
Mordechai Son of Zeev Dov ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1869 |
Mordechai Son of Zvi |
Люди |
до 1831 |
Mordechai Yehuda Son of Yoel ha-Cohen |
Люди |
Mordechai Yehuda Widner |
Люди |
до 1894 |
Mordechai Zalman (Marcus) Weschler |
Люди |
до 1900 |
Mordechai Zvi Son of Naftali Shmuel |
Люди |
до 1864 |
Moshe |
Люди |
до 1873 |
Moshe Avraham Son of Yehuda Leibesh |
Люди |
до 1888 |
Moshe Beinish Son of Zvi Hirsh |
Люди |
до 1882 |
Moshe Dov Son of Aizik |
Люди |
до 1891 |
Moshe Dov Son of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1857 |
Moshe Eliezer Sofer |
Люди |
до 1885 |
Moshe Eliezer Son of Meir ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1852 |
Moshe Eliyahu Son of Mordechai |
Люди |
до 1878 |
Moshe Haim Son of David |
Люди |
до 1831 |
Moshe Haim Son of Mordechai ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1889 |
Moshe Haim Son of Zvi |
Люди |
до 1856 |
Moshe Kahn |
Люди |
до 1899 |
Moshe Kugler |
Люди |
до 1935 |
Moshe Leib Son of Pesach |
Люди |
до 1856 |
Moshe Leib Son of Reuven |
Люди |
до 1862 |
Moshe Mates Son of Yehuda Leib |
Люди |
до 1885 |
Moshe Meshulam Zisen Son of Mordechai |
Люди |
до 1872 |
Moshe Mordechai Son of Natan ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1865 |
Moshe Nachman Son of Shimshon |
Люди |
до 1895 |
Moshe Shlomo Son of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1855 |
Moshe Shmuel Son of Avraham |
Люди |
до 1850 |
Moshe Son of Arie |
Люди |
до 1869 |
Moshe Son of Avraham Hirsh |
Люди |
до 1885 |
Moshe Son of Avraham Yehoshua ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1882 |
Moshe Son of Avraham Yehuda Leib |
Люди |
до 1884 |
Moshe Son of David |
Люди |
до 1880 |
Moshe Son of David |
Люди |
до 1891 |
Moshe Son of Dov |
Люди |
до 1857 |
Moshe Son of Dov Ber |
Люди |
до 1815 |
Moshe Son of Dov ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Moshe Son of Eliyahu |
Люди |
до 1886 |
Moshe Son of Ever |
Люди |
до 1882 |
Moshe Son of Haim |
Люди |
до 1826 |
Moshe Son of Hertz ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1855 |
Moshe Son of Israel |
Люди |
до 1857 |
Moshe Son of Issachar |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Moshe Son of Kalonimus |
Люди |
до 1885 |
Moshe Son of Meir Zvi |
Люди |
до 1867 |
Moshe Son of Menachem Mendel |
Люди |
до 1844 |
Moshe Son of Nachman Zadok |
Люди |
до 1866 |
Moshe Son of Natan Zvi |
Люди |
до 1862 |
Moshe Son of Ozer |
Люди |
до 1838 |