Haya Gitl Daughter of Moshe Eliezer Sofer |
Люди |
до 1895 |
Haya Gitl Daughter of Yoel |
Люди |
до 1898 |
Haya Hinde Daughter of Eliezer |
Люди |
до 1879 |
Haya Leah Daughter of Yaakov Moshe ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1881 |
Haya Neche Daughter of Moshe Eliezer |
Люди |
до 1876 |
Haya Perel Daughter of Haim |
Люди |
до 1893 |
Haya Sarah Daughter of Aharon |
Люди |
до 1826 |
Haya Sarah Daughter of Kiva |
Люди |
до 1830 |
Haya Sarah Daughter of Moshe Yitzhak ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1909 |
Haya Sarah Daughter of Shraga |
Люди |
до 1831 |
Haya Sarah Daughter of Shraga Faivel Wax |
Люди |
до 1896 |
Haya Sarah Daughter of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1866 |
Haya Sarah Daughter of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1849 |
Haya Serke Daughter of David |
Люди |
до 1846 |
Haya Toybe Daughter of Shlomo Zalman |
Люди |
до 1862 |
Haya Yuta Daughter of Binyamin |
Люди |
до 1832 |
Haya Yuta Daughter of Binyamin |
Люди |
до 1832 |
Haya Zisel Daughter of Nachum |
Люди |
до 1830 |
Haya Zisel Daughter of Refael |
Люди |
до 1899 |
Haya Zisel Daughter of Yosef ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1877 |
Hendel Daughter of Avraham |
Люди |
до 1862 |
Hene |
Люди |
до 1778 |
Hene Daughter of Avraham Segal |
Люди |
до 1808 |
Hene Daughter of Efraim |
Люди |
до 1822 |
Hene Daughter of Ezra |
Люди |
до 1893 |
Hene Daughter of Faivush |
Люди |
до 1844 |
Hene Daughter of Mordechai |
Люди |
до 1801 |
Hene Daughter of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1888 |
Hene Dvora Daughter of Shalom |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Hene Pese Daughter of Yehuda |
Люди |
до 1849 |
Hene Pese Wigler |
Люди |
до 1916 |
Henke Daughter of Avraham |
Люди |
до 1885 |
Hentse Daughter of Haim |
Люди |
до 1891 |
Hentse Daughter of Yehiel Michel |
Люди |
до 1883 |
Hentse Ester |
Люди |
до 1888 |
Hentse Malka Daughter of Moshe |
Люди |
до 1833 |
Hertsel Son of Melech |
Люди |
до 1831 |
Hese Daughter of Avraham |
Люди |
до 1894 |
Hillel Son of Avraham |
Люди |
до 1853 |
Hillel Son of Menachem Mendel |
Люди |
до 1878 |
Hinde Brayne Daughter of Baruch |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Hinde Daughter of Mordechai |
Люди |
до 1864 |
Hinke Daughter of Zeev |
Люди |
до 1805 |
Hode Daughter of Haim Shmuel |
Люди |
до 1883 |
Hode Daughter of Mones |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Hode Daughter of Yeshayahu |
Люди |
до 1920 |
Hode Daughter of Yosef ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1882 |
Hode Daughter of Zeev ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Hoshea Son of Haim Yaakov |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Hunde Daughter of Moshe |
Люди |
до 1796 |
Israel Arie Son of Yaakov ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Israel Avraham Son of Yaakov |
Люди |
до 1863 |
Israel Avraham Son of Yeshayahu |
Люди |
до 1893 |
Israel Meir Son of Arie Leib |
Люди |
до 1880 |
Israel Moshe Son of Peretz |
Люди |
до 1890 |
Israel Moshe Son of Shlomo |
Люди |
до 1870 |
Israel Moshe Son of Shmuel |
Люди |
до 1867 |
Israel Reuven Son of Avraham David |
Люди |
до 1890 |
Israel Sommer |
Люди |
до 1889 |
Israel Son of Aharon ha-Levi |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Israel Son of Avraham David |
Люди |
до 1898 |
Israel Son of David Yosef |
Люди |
до 1866 |
Israel Son of Eliezer |
Люди |
до 1879 |
Israel Son of Haim |
Люди |
Israel Son of Haim |
Люди |
до 1889 |
Israel Son of Levi |
Люди |
до 1843 |
Israel Son of Moshe |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Israel Son of Nachman |
Люди |
1868 |
Israel Son of Natan Neta ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1862 |
Israel Son of Peretz ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1887 |
Israel Son of Pinchas |
Люди |
до 1875 |
Israel Son of Shabtai |
Люди |
до 1824 |
Israel Son of Shlomo ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1857 |
Israel Son of Shmerel |
Люди |
до 1845 |
Israel Son of Shmuel Shmelke |
Люди |
до 1889 |
Israel Son of Todres |
Люди |
до 1865 |
Israel Son of Uri |
Люди |
до 1873 |
Israel Son of Yehuda |
Люди |
до 1845 |
Israel Son of Yitzhak |
Люди |
до 1810 |
Israel Son of Yitzhak Shmuel |
Люди |
до 1900 |
Israel Son of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1893 |
Israel Son of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1864 |
Israel Son of Yosef |
Люди |
до 1835 |
Israel Son of Zvi Hirsh |
Люди |
до 1893 |
Israel Yaakov Son of Daniel |
Люди |
до 1871 |
Israel Yaakov Son of Shemaya Yosef |
Люди |
до 1848 |
Israel Yehuda Son of Simcha |
Люди |
до 1898 |
Israel Yitzhak Son of Baruch |
Люди |
до 1897 |
Israel Yitzhak Son of Eliezer ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1869 |
Israel Yitzhak Son of Neta |
Люди |
до 1902 |
Israel Zvi Son of Avraham Yitzhak ha-Cohen |
Люди |
до 1922 |
Itamar Son of Zvi |
Люди |
до 1889 |
Itzhak Aizik Son of Haim |
Люди |
до 1898 |
Johanna Benkendorf |
Люди |
до 1890 |
Josef Katz |
Люди |
до 1934 |
Josef Katz |
Люди |
до 1935 |
Kalman Son of Meir |
Люди |
до 1825 |
Kalman Son of Yosef |
Люди |
Kalmen Monele Son of Zvi |
Люди |
до 1831 |
Kalonimus |
Люди |
до 1901 |