In district Bohorodczany, there is Posiecz, Posiecz the village and Posiecz manor.
According to the statistical data submitted by the local authorities on May 28, 1920, there were 944 people in Bohorodczany: 47 Poles, 888 Russians and 9 Jews. ( CAHJP, Hm2/8888.14)
According to the census of 1921 (not including army register), there were 145 buildings and 757 people in Posiecz: 13 people in Psiecz declared Jewish religion and 9 declared Jewish nationality. Also in Posiecz the Village 13 people declared Jewish religion and 9 declared jewish nationality. In Posiecz manor there were 21 people and 5 houses: 3 people declared Jewish religion and nationality.
This is a small village in Lysiec region.
Items relevant to the community
Title | Type of item | Years |
Daria Rozenblat | Люди | 1928 |
Gersh Rozenblat | Люди | |
Gitlia Fus | Люди | |
Gusta Rozenblat | Люди | |
Haya Fus | Люди | |
Mendel Narbert | Люди | |
Vailia Fus | Люди | |
Wykazy statystyczne ludności (według narodowośc... | Картки Центрального архіву історії єврейського народу в Єрусалимi | 1920 |