Name in English:
Name in Ukrainian:
Name in Polish:
Administrative History:
District Bohorodczany
Population Data:
According to the statistical data submitted by the local authorities on May 30, 1920, there were 2524people in Bitków: 540 Poles, 1960 Russians and 24 Jews. ( CAHJP, Hm2/8888.14)
This is a small village in Nadworna region.
Items relevant to the community
Title | Type of item | Years |
Emanuel Kvartler | Люди | 1891 до 1942 |
Emilia Raisler | Люди | 1902 до 1942 |
Fraida Vizelman | Люди | 1899 до 1942 |
Freida Galopel | Люди | 1929 до 1942 |
Frimtsia Galopel | Люди | 1900 до 1942 |
Gergoim Lalbarbar | Люди | 1904 до 1942 |
Haya Shtaingart | Люди | 1898 до 1942 |
Iranna Kvartler | Люди | 1903 до 1942 |
Lipa Galopel | Люди | 1931 до 1942 |
Maria Pilts | Люди | 1892 до 1942 |