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Alfred Landau

Alfred Landau was a famous folklorist and philologist. Born in Brody in 1850, into the family of a famous rabbi, Landau studied in a gymnasium in...
Folklorist Brody

Otto Preminger

Otto Preminger was born in 1905 in Wiznitz (Vyzhnytsia), a town in west of Czernowitz, northern Bukovyna, in today's Ukraine. He was ...

Lee Strasberg

Lee Strasberg  was born Israel Strassberg Budzanów, Austria-Hungary (today in Ukraine). He  was an American actor, director and acting...
Filmmaker Budaniv

Billy Wilder

Billy Wilder  was born Samuel Wilder to a Jewish family in Sucha Beskidzka, Austria-Hungary.  He was an Austrian-born American filmmaker,...

Leo Landau

 Leo Landau was a well-known stage director and actor, who appeared under the stage name Lenkhart. Born in Brody in 1878, Landau became famous...
Director Brody

Leon Sternbach

Leon Sternbach was a Polish-Jewish classical philologist and Byzantinist, a professor at the Jagellonian University. Born in Drohobych, Galicia,...
Classical philologist Drohobych

Helena Rubinstein

Helena Rubinstein was born in Kraków, Austria-Hungary (modern-day Poland). she was a Polish-born American business magnate. A cosmetics...
Business owner Kraków

Jakub Karol Parnas

Jakub Karol Parnas was born in 1884 in Mokriany near Drohobych, at that time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in the province of Galicia (now...