Єврейська Галичина та Буковина
Підтримка досліджень та збереження культурної спадщини
In cooperation with:
Енциклопедія Галицьких рабинів та вчених
A story of a Galician Schtetl
Before and During the Holocaust
On Jewish Galicia and Bukovina
The researchproject onGalician & BukovinianJewry
Advanced center for the research of Galician and Bukovinian Rabbinic culture
From Kraków to LembergResearch project
Galicia and Bukovina Jewish Studies
Mothers parents names: Schulin and Blima Gross; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Majer Elie Mofker.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 42
Mothers parents names: Beril and Chancie Weidman; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Beril Weidman.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 41
Mothers parents names: Herz and Cirl Silberman; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Leizer Migden.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 39
Mothers parents names: Izaak and Sure Freida Kiwetz; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Leibisch Aschkenaze.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 38
Mothers parents names: Gerszon and Sara Wyszniak; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Salomon Gunsberg.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 37
Mothers parents names: Aron and Rifka Schwarz; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Aron Schwarz Feiwisch Getter.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 36
Mothers parents names: Chune and Feiga Jarysch; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Efroim Gunsberg.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 35
Mothers parents names: Schmul and Chaje Skin; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Markus Kuwelz.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 34
Mothers parents names: Efroim and Chane Grunsberg; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Schabse Gunsberg.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 33
Mothers parents names: Efroim and Chane Grunsberg; Witnesses, sandek or shames: Schabse Gunsberg.Podvolochsyka birth registration book 1899, number 32