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  • 1Відкрити багату культурну спадщину єврейських спільнот Галичини та Буковини через документи, фотографії, біографії видатних осіб, розширену біблiографію, тощо.
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Підписатися на ПІДПИСАТИСЯ НА РОЗСИЛКУ  feed

Новини та події

The Ludmer International Project on the Jewish Heritage of Galicia and Bukovina (University of Haifa) and the Jewish Galicia and Bukovina Organization launched a new scholarship.

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book about Galician artists: a collection of essays presented at the international conference, which was held in Lviv in November 2012 and supported by JGB.

This important work was organized and accomplished by JGB staff and Israeli young volunteers (most of them - students of Herzog College) during two seasonal expeditions in 2017 and 2018.

 All the survived gravestones at the cemetery (more then 2,000!) were mapped, cleaned, documented and photographed, and they can be seen now on the site:

The National Library of Israel, 9 Adar II 5779, 14.3.2019, 15:00-21:00

In recognition of Rabbi Meir Wunder and his extraordinary work and in honor of his 85th birthday

JGB in cooperation with the Ad Hena Center has launched a new academic multidisciplinary program at the Herzog College, , which provides a broad and in-depth training program for the study of the Jewish heritage of Galicia and Bukovina from the sixteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century.

The Research Project on Galician and Bukovinian Jewry (University of Haifa) with the support of the Jewish Galicia and Bukovina Organization launched a new program of scholarships and excellence prizes .

The organization’s annual expedition completed documentation of the Jewish cemetery in Buczacz this year. It could be said that the central theme of this year’s field work was the legacy of S.Y Agnon. Members of his family, as well as many of his friends, acquaintances, and heroes of his works, are buried in the cemetery. We cleaned and documented the tombstone of his father – Shalom Mordechai Czaczkes, and discovered the tombstone of his mother, Ester.

In the village of Chornohuzy next to Vizhnitsa there is one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in Bukovina – a cemetery where the Jewish residents of Vizhnitsa (Wiznitz) used to bury their dead from the 1860-s….

At the Jewish cemetery in Buczacz, the gravestone of Esther Czaczkes (Farb) - the mother of Shay (Shmuel Yosef) Agnon was discovered. The exciting discovery was made as part of the research and documentation project of the JGB organization by the annual expedition staff that worked this summer (August 2018) in Buczacz.

Kuty, a town situated on the border between Galicia and Bukovina, was a relatively small town, numbering a general population of about 6,740 at its peak, around 1910. About half of this number were Jews. However, the community of Kuty earned a reputation far beyond its modest size due to famous personages who originated from there...

З наших колекцій:

Shoshana Eden's Childhood Memories from Skała

Masterpieces of Jewish Stone Carving. Bolechow Cemetery

Jewish life in Bolszowce, 1930-s. From the Popik family album

Masterpieces of Jewish Stone Carving. Peczeniżyn Cemetery

Masterpieces of Jewish Stone Carving. Kuty Cemetery

Field School 2017 to Buczacz

З нашої діяльності:

Field School 2016 to Vizhnitsa

Field School 2015 to Kuty

Galicia and Bukovina Jewish Studies at the Herzog College

З нашої діяльності:

Метою існування проекту "Єврейська Галичина та Буковина" є збереження унікального світу галицького та буковинського єврейства. Нашою цілю є створення он-лайн бази даних історичних документів та залишків матеріальної культури. З допомогою цього веб сайту ми сподіваємосб зробити ці матеріали доступними як для широкого кола так і для академічної спільноти, що постійно збільшується.

На цей час більша частина нашого сайту існує в англомовній версії, але в майбутньому ми плануємо створити також і повноцінний україномовний варіант.