ספר הזכרון לבית המדרש לרבנים בווינה: דברי זכרונות ודברי מדע, יוצא לאור במלאות מאה שנים להולדתו של ראש בית המדרש ר' אריה שווארץ, על
An institution the majority of whose students came from Galicia.
Mainly the following parts:
7-16 - Benjamin Menahem Klar, 'Rabbinic School in Vienna (1893-1938) (a historical overview)': including references to Joseph Samuel Bloch (9), Victor Aptowitzer (11-13), Simchah Pinsker (12), Joshua Heschel Schorr (12), David Heinrich Mueller (13), Leon Kellner (13), Shmuel Zevi Gutman, Levi Freund (14), Judah Leo Landau (14), Zevi Hirsch Chajes (14-15) and Benjamin Murmelstein (15).
64-71 - Bergman, Judah, 'About the Important Students Who Passed Away': included in its introduction sections dedicated to ten students from the Austrian Empire, nine of whom were from Galicia: Samuel Gutman, Benjamin Grill (64), Michael Berkowitz (64-65), Judah Leo Landau (65), Moses Schorr (65-66), Levi Freund (66), Bernard Hausner (66-67), Zevi Hirsch Chajes (67-68), and Bernhard Wachstein (68).
72-82 - 'List of Students': approximately 335 students, among them close to 200 from Galicia.