Arbore cemetery |
Cemeteries |
Arbore |
Communities |
Sarah Daughter of Shabtai Arie ha-Levi |
People |
to 1931 |
Avraham Goldstein |
People |
to 1930 |
Yehuda Leib Son of Avraham Dov |
People |
Brayntse Druckmann |
People |
Haim Son of Avraham |
People |
Miriam Daughter of Benyamin Meir |
People |
to 1931 |
Haya Reizel Daughter of Yehuda |
People |
Shraga Faivel Son of Yitzhak |
People |
Avraham Son of David Efraim |
People |
to 1900 |
Ete Daughter of Yaakov Yehuda |
People |
Sarah |
People |
to 1896 |
Rivka Storfer |
People |
to 1918 |
Dvora Daughter of Avraham |
People |
to 1917 |
Haya Daughter of Avraham |
People |
to 1914 |
Leah Dvora Peltz |
People |
to 1938 |
Shimon Hass |
People |
to 1931 |
Hana Eisenstein |
People |
to 1932 |
Avraham Shmuel Son of Moshe Yosef ha-Cohen |
People |
to 1915 |
Feyge Daughter of Menachem Yitzhak |
People |
to 1903 |
Bine Daughter of Shimon |
People |
Feyge Fani Rosenberg |
People |
to 1904 |
Haim Eisental |
People |
to 1936 |
Miriam Yuta Daughter of David Efraim |
People |
to 1902 |
Feyge Sima Daughter of Zusiya Polak |
People |
to 1935 |
Shimon Eisental |
People |
to 1930 |
Yehiel Michel Son of Yom Tov |
People |
to 1906 |
Bine Daughter of Shimon |
People |
Freyde Daughter of Israel |
People |
to 1906 |
Sheyne Rachel Daughter of Haim Todres |
People |
Miriam Marie Goldstein |
People |
to 1900 |
Eliyahu Son of Israel ha-Cohen |
People |
Mariase Daughter of Avraham ha-Cohen |
People |
to 1908 |
Zeev Son of Avraham |
People |
… |
People |
Zvi Son of Yaakov Asher |
People |
to 1894 |
Haya Yute (Jite) Reiner |
People |
to 1914 |
Haim Yehuda Leib Grubel |
People |
to 1897 |
Miriam Dvora |
People |
to 1909 |
Shaul Segal |
People |
to 1900 |
Moshe Glashofer |
People |
to 1902 |
Asher Yehuda Son of Avraham |
People |
to 1895 |
Ester Machla Daughter of Zecharia |
People |
to 1898 |
Sarah Brayne Daughter of Zainvil |
People |
to 1906 |
Rachel |
People |
Yehoshua Heshel |
People |
Dvora Daughter of Shabtai |
People |
Miriam Dvora Hass |
People |
to 1932 |
Naftali Son of Yitzhak |
People |
to 1903 |
Rese Daughter of Menachem |
People |
to 1904 |
Toybe Leah Daughter of Eliezer Litman |
People |
to 1904 |
Avraham Haim |
People |
Feyge Fischler |
People |
to 1920 |
Sarah Rivka Daughter of Avraham Dov ha-Cohen |
People |
Leah Sereder |
People |
to 1924 |
Haim Eidinger |
People |
to 1926 |
Hene Daughter of Antshel |
People |
Pese Daughter of Haim Dov |
People |
to 1891 |
David Eisental |
People |
to 1920 |
Yitzhak Yaakov Kopel |
People |
Yocheved Baran |
People |
Freyde Daughter of Haim |
People |
to 1907 |
Yuta (Jette) Koffler |
People |
to 1901 |
Pine Daughter of Rahmiel |
People |
Eliyahu Mordechai Son of Haim |
People |
to 1897 |
Leah Daughter of Shraga |
People |
to 1894 |
Alter Menashe Son of Yehuda |
People |
Zvi Son of Aharon Moshe |
People |
to 1916 |
Yaakov Son of Gavriel ha-Cohen |
People |
to 1894 |
Blime Wucher |
People |
Frima Daughter of Menashe |
People |
Shraga Faivush Tannenzapf |
People |
to 1903 |
Hodel Daughter of Matityahu |
People |
to 1894 |
Ester Daughter of Netanel |
People |
to 1896 |
Menachem Mendel Son of Shimshon |
People |
to 1905 |
Tombstone of Leah Daughter of Shraga |
Tombstones |
1894 |
Tombstone of Yuta (Jette) Koffler |
Tombstones |
1901 |
Tombstone of Pine Daughter of Rahmiel |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Yitzhak Yaakov Kopel |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Eliyahu Mordechai Son of Haim |
Tombstones |
1867 |
Tombstone of Alter Menashe Son of Yehuda |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Zvi Son of Aharon Moshe |
Tombstones |
1916 |
Tombstone of Blime Wucher |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Frima Daughter of Menashe |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Menachem Mendel Son of Shimshon |
Tombstones |
1905 |
Tombstone of Shraga Faivush Tannenzapf |
Tombstones |
1903 |
Tombstone of Eliyahu Mordechai Son of Haim |
Tombstones |
1897 |
Tombstone of Yaakov Son of Gavriel ha-Cohen |
Tombstones |
1894 |
Tombstone of Ester Daughter of Netanel |
Tombstones |
1896 |
Tombstone of Sarah Daughter of Shabtai Arie ha-Levi |
Tombstones |
1931 |
Tombstone of Avraham Goldstein |
Tombstones |
1930 |
Tombstone of Hodel Daughter of Matityahu |
Tombstones |
1894 |
Tombstone of Brayntse Druckmann |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Haim Son of Avraham |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Miriam Daughter of Benyamin Meir |
Tombstones |
1931 |
Tombstone of Haya Reizel Daughter of Yehuda |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Avraham Son of David Efraim |
Tombstones |
1900 |
Tombstone of Yehuda Leib Son of Avraham Dov |
Tombstones |
Tombstone of Ete Daughter of Yaakov Yehuda |
Tombstones |