Name in English:
Name in Ukrainian:
Літовищі (Litovyshchi), Szewczenkowo [1951-1957]
Name in Polish:
Name in German:
Name in Hebrew:
Name in Yiddish:
Historical-cultural region:
Western Galicia
Administrative District :
Podkarpackie Voivodeship
49°15' N, 22°42' E
Administrative History:
Population Data:
Year | Total population | Jewish population |
1880 | 1776 | 1240 |
1900 | 2442 | 1570 |
1921 | 2125 | 1220 |
Read about Lutowiska in "Pinkas Hakehilot" (translated) here.
Lutowiska on "Virtual Shtetel".
Lutowiska is located on the Smolnik stream 22 miles SE of Lesko near the Ukrainian border. See map of Lutowiska Here.
See detailed information about the community of Lutowiska on the site Massa le-Galicia (in Hebrew)
Items relevant to the community
Title | Type of item | Years |
"О высылке заложников", в т.ч. об арестах, вз... | CAHJP Cards | 1915 |
Akta dot. organizacji zatwierdzenia statutów gm... | CAHJP Cards | 1846 |
Correspondence with the Landesgubernium , repor... | CAHJP Cards | 1829 |
Ernennung von Bezirks- und GemeinderabbinernОб ... | CAHJP Cards | 1851 |
Kartoteka "Aliji". Spisy Żydów, którzy wyjechal... | CAHJP Cards | 1936 |
Korespondencja w sprawie obsadzenia wolnej posa... | CAHJP Cards | 1895 |
Korespondencja w sprawie zażaleń członków gmin ... | CAHJP Cards | 1904 |
Korrespondenz, Vereinbarungen und Anordnungen b... | CAHJP Cards | 1820 |
Lutowiska | Communities | |
Sprawozdania i korespondencja dot. wyborów czło... | CAHJP Cards | 1907 |