Name in English:
Name in Ukrainian:
Борщів [Borshchiv]
Name in Polish:
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Name in Yiddish:
Historical-cultural region:
Eastern Galicia
Administrative District :
Ternopil region
48°48′10″N 26°2′11″E
Administrative History:
Borshchiv, a town, the district center, in the region of Ternopil, about 105 km southeast
of it, 14 km west of Skala, 32 km north-east of Zalishchyky, on the left bank of the
Nichlava, a tributary of the Dnister. First mentioned in 1456. Chartered in 1629. Jews
mentioned in 18th century documents. In 1648 about 200 Jews were killed there.
Population Data:
Borshchiv, a town, the district center, in the region of Ternopil, about 105 km southeast of it, 14 km west of Skala, 32 km north-east of Zalishchyky, on the left bank of the
Nichlava, a tributary of the Dnister. First mentioned in 1456. Chartered in 1629. Jews mentioned in 18th century documents. In 1648 about 200 Jews were killed there.
Items relevant to the community
Title | Type of item | Years |
"Wykazy czasopism sprzedawanych i prenumerowany... | CAHJP Cards | 1934 |
"О местах водворения лиц, высылаемых из преде... | CAHJP Cards | 1915 |
Bank dla Handlu i Przemyslu(הבנק למסחר ותעשיה) ... | CAHJP Cards | 1901 |
Budżety gmin żydowskich w Borszczowie i Skale | CAHJP Cards | 1936 |
Correspondence with the Landesgubernium about p... | CAHJP Cards | 1802 |
Gródek Jagełłoński, Grybów, Horodenka, Husiatyn... | CAHJP Cards | 1909 |
Inwentarz m. Borszczowa | CAHJP Cards | 1745 |
Kartoteka "Aliji". Spisy Żydów, którzy wyjechal... | CAHJP Cards | 1936 |
Korespondencja w sprawie udzielenia renumeracji... | CAHJP Cards | 1907 |
Korespondencja w sprawie udziełenia paszportów ... | CAHJP Cards | 1925 |