Name in English:
Name in Polish:
Administrative History:
District Bohorodczany
Population Data:
According to the statistical data submitted by the local authorities on May 30, 1920, there were 1324 people in Zarzecze: 40 Poles, 1164 Russians and 120 Jews. ( CAHJP, Hm2/8888.14)
According to the census of 1921, there were 1050 people and 207 houses; 106 people declared Jewish religion. CAHJP, Hm2/9138.6
Items relevant to the community
Title | Type of item | Years |
W sprawach udziełenia paszportów zagranicznych:... | CAHJP Cards | 1920 |
W sprawie ustałenia wysokości obrotu i opodatko... | CAHJP Cards | 1938 |
W sprawie udziełenia paszporta zagranicznego na... | CAHJP Cards | 1925 |
W sprawach udziełenia paszportów zagranicznych:... | CAHJP Cards | 1920 |
Materiały dot. budowania szkoły w Zarzeczu. Wyk... | CAHJP Cards | 1925 |
Shiyko Duvyd | People | to 1942 |
Berchikha Wife of Shiyko Duvyd | People | to 1942 |