Jewish Galicia and Bukovina Bibliography project

The bibliography project undertaken by the Jewish Galicia and Bukovina Organization involves consolidating the records of thousands of essays, books, book chapters, pamphlets, and articles in some ten languages, which relate, in whole or in part, to the Jews of Galicia and Bukovina. The works cover their history, social life, religion, and culture as individuals and as communities, mainly beginning with the annexation of the region by Austria (1772) through the outbreak of World War II (1939).

 The works referenced in the bibliography, along with the tools to access them, provide researchers, students, and the general public with quick access to a first-class knowledge base about Judaism in Galicia and Bukovina, much of which was not previously available through existing databases. The database includes bibliography  data collected from a wide variety of  materials, including:

A.    Approximately 300 journal titles, with some 4,000 volumes. The selected titles constitute the primary, seminal periodicals that discuss material on various subjects in the fields of Jewish history and Jewish culture. They are written mainly in Hebrew, Yiddish, and English.

B.     Hundreds of collections and anthologies of articles, including jubilee and memorial books in honor of historical personalities and collections of articles by specific authors.

C.     Hundreds of research monographs on a variety of subjects.

D.    Memorial books documenting the histories of about 170 communities that were destroyed.


For more information on the sources of the bibliography - see here.


Each item is listed on the website with the following fields:

1-6: Item registration information (according to the language in which it was published): (1) author, (2) title of the book or article, (3) source (publication platform, for articles), (4) name of publisher, (5) place of publication, (6) year of publication;

7: Notes (in Hebrew and English) that describe the relationship of the bibliographic item to the Jews of Galicia-Bukovina, with additional bibliographical information on other editions, versions, translations, or reviews of the item;

8: Subject(s): The items are classified according to about 30 main topics, including a variety of focused research areas.

9: Community/communities;

10. Well-known personalities;

11. The language of the bibliographic item.

For now, the bibliography resource contents about 17,000 items. 

The bibliography was prepared by Dr. Nathan Shifris and is a joint venture of the Jewsih Galicia and Bukovina Organization and the University of Haifa.

Author Title Yearсортувати за спаданням
תמיר רבקה הסיפורת של "המהלך החדש": מאפיינים לשוניים וסגנוניים בלשון האמנותית במעבר מההשכלה לתחייה 2011
Solomon, Francisca Zwischen Lebenswelt und literarischer Raumkonstruktion: Das galizische Schtetl bei Nathan Samuely und Karl Emil Franzos 2011
Schwarz, Egon "Die Muse ist arm, aber fröhlich": Essays zu ostjüdischen Autoren 2011
מורגנשטרן, יצחק מאיר ספר נתיב חיים: נתיבות חכמה ודעת [...] בספר נתיב מצותיך, להגה"ק מקאמרנא [הרב יצחק יהודה יחיאל ספרין], משולב עם ספר אוצרות חיים, לרב 2011
ויזניצר, גבריאל יוסף תולדות מרן בעל חשב האפוד גאב"ד לונדון 2011
Skotnicki, Aleksander B. Juliusz Feldhorn: poeta, pisarz, tłumacz, wybitny polonista Gimnazjum Hebrajskiego w Krakowie, współpraca, Małgorzata Ostoja-Wilam 2011
גלר, יעקב "לא הסרתי מעלי את יראת ה', רק הרחקתי מעלי המון הפתאים" 2011
Kauffman, Tsippi Two Tsadikim, Two Women in Labor, and One Salvation: Reading Gender in a Hasidic Story 2011
וייטמן, מרים שימוש בתעודת זהות של גוי בתקופת השואה 2011
סלמון, אברהם יעקב (ע') ספר רשפי קודש רוז'ין: אמרי קודש ודיבורים טהורים הנהגות ואגרות מכ"ק מרן אדמו"ר רבי שלום יוסף מרוז'ין זצוקללה"ה בנו בכורו של מרן הסב 2011