"Arkusze ewidencyjne" i wykazy Zarządów stowarz... |
CAHJP Cards |
1930 |
1. Sprawozdania, listy rabinów galicyjskich i g... |
CAHJP Cards |
1907 |
1. Просьбы евреев Ворошиловграда, Винницы, Дн... |
CAHJP Cards |
1947 |
1. Решения об отказе евреям Бара, Енакиево, К... |
CAHJP Cards |
1947 |
1.Korespondencja z MSW w sprawie zmian imion, s... |
CAHJP Cards |
1903 |
About closing the synagogue in Rozhniatovo |
Documents |
1948 |
Aharon son of Yaakov Halevi |
People |
to 1813 |
Aharon son of Yosef |
People |
Aharon Zvi son of Haim Katz |
People |
Alexander son of Michel |
People |
Alexander son of Yehudah |
People |
Ankil daughter of Efraim Fishel |
People |
Arkusze ewidencyjne i wykaz członków zarządów S... |
CAHJP Cards |
1931 |
Arkusze ewidencyjne i wykaz członków zarządów S... |
CAHJP Cards |
1930 |
Arkusze ewidencyjne i wykazy członków zarządów ... |
CAHJP Cards |
1929 |
Arkusze ewidencyjne i wykazy członków zarządów ... |
CAHJP Cards |
1921 |
Asher son of David |
People |
Ashnat daughter of Yitzhak |
People |
Ati daughter of Avraham |
People |
Avraham Berich son of Shmuel |
People |
Avraham Eliezer son of Aizik |
People |
Avraham Haim son of Zvi |
People |
Avraham son of Baruch |
People |
Avraham son of Tzvi |
People |
Avraham son of Tzvi Segal |
People |
Avraham son of Yitzhak |
People |
Avraham son of Yitzhak Zvi |
People |
Avraham son of Yosef Leib |
People |
Avraham Yehuda son of Moshe ha-Cohen |
People |
Barich son of Haim |
People |
Baruch son of Pinchas |
People |
to 1775 |
Baruch son of Zeev |
People |
Batiya daughter of Bendit Segal |
People |
Batya Malka daughter of Zvi |
People |
Beila daughter of Baruch Avraham ha-Levi |
People |
Beila daughter of Haim zvi |
People |
Beila daughter of Haim zvi |
People |
Beila daughter of Leivish |
People |
Beila daughter of Lexander |
People |
to 1686 |
Beila Daughter of Menahem Nahum |
People |
to 1838 |
Beila daughter of Zvi Segal |
People |
Betzalel Neta son of Avraham |
People |
Betzalel son of Alexsander |
People |
Biega Rivka daughter of Yosef |
People |
Binyamin son of Moshe Segal |
People |
Blima daughter of Zeev Wolf |
People |
Braina daughter of Yitzhak |
People |
Chaya daughter of Moshe |
People |
Chaya daughter of Shmuel |
People |
Correspondence with the Landesgubernium about s... |
CAHJP Cards |
1773 |
David son of Baruch |
People |
David son of Betzalel Yitzhak |
People |
David son of Moshe Aria |
People |
David son of Moshe Segal |
People |
Devorah daughter of Zeev Wolf |
People |
Dot. zatwierdzenia budżetów na lata 1932 i 1934... |
CAHJP Cards |
1932 |
Dov Ber son of David |
People |
Dov Ber son of Yehudah |
People |
Dreziel daughter of Nachman |
People |
Dvora daughter of David |
People |
to 1886 |
Dvora daughter of Moshe Mischel |
People |
Dvora son of Catriel |
People |
Eidel daughter of Aharon |
People |
Eidel daughter of Aharon |
People |
Eliezer Lipa son of Yehuda |
People |
Eliezer son of Klonimus |
People |
Eliezer son of Yaakov |
People |
Elk daughter of Zeev |
People |
Elyiezer Yitzhak son of Yehudah |
People |
Ester daughter of Iscar |
People |
Ester daughter of Mischel |
People |
Ester daughter of Shalom |
People |
Ester daughter of Shalom |
People |
Ester daughter of Yehuda |
People |
Ester daughter of Zeev |
People |
Ester Ertel daughter of Yaakov |
People |
Ester Rivka daughter of Avraham Berich |
People |
Faril daughter of Haim |
People |
Fatal (wife of Rabbi Efraim) |
People |
Feina Gittel daughter of Shalom |
People |
Fiega Rapoport daughter of Yoel Segal Hamadish |
People |
Fiega Rivkah daughter of Tzvi Halevy |
People |
Fishel son of Yosef Leib |
People |
Fivish son of Zvi |
People |
Freida Alda daughter of Zeev David |
People |
Freida Atil daughter of Shalom |
People |
Freida daughter of Shmuel |
People |
Freida daughter of Zvi Hirsch Segal |
People |
Freida Golda daughter of Yoel Fivish |
People |
Frida daughter of Yehuda Leib |
People |
Frieda daughter of Shalom |
People |
Frieda daughter of Yehudah |
People |
Friemtzi Robil daughter of David |
People |
Frimtzi daughter of Zeev Wolf |
People |
Frimtzi Leah daughter of Nachman |
People |
Frimtzi Rabil daughter of David |
People |
Frumtzia Leah daughter of Yehoshua |
People |
Gad Leib |
People |
Galda daughter of Yoel |
People |
Gesel daughter of Efraim |
People |