בין מסורת לקדמה, תולדות תנועת הרפורמה ביהדות, מאנגלית - דוד לוביש

מאיר, מיכאל
בין מסורת לקדמה, תולדות תנועת הרפורמה ביהדות, מאנגלית - דוד לוביש
מרכז זלמן שזר
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A translation of the English original, from 1988: Response to Modernity: A History of the Reform Movement in Judaism. On the Galician Jewry and its individulls, especially in the following chapters: 'Chapter 4: The Movement Spreads over Europe' (168-209), and mainly the sub-chapter "Across the Austrian Emprire" (177-190). References to Galicia - 177-178, 180-183; with references to Naphtali Herz Homberg (177-178), to Nachman Krochmal (181), to Joseph Perl (181-182), to the scholars circle in Lemberg, to the temple they established, to the appointing of Abraham Kohn to a preacher and to the affair of his murder (182-183). 'Chapter 5: Integration and further progress (210-260) - on the attack on the tradition in Galicia, by Joshua Heschel Schorr (226-228) and Abraham Krochmal (228). More, according to index, on the aforementioned and on the followings: Jacob Meshulam Ornstein, Salo Wittmayer Baron, Martin Buber, Simon Bernfeld, Jacob Zallel Lauterbach, Raphael Mahler, Solomon Judah Rapoport and Shalom Spiegel, and so on Lemberg.